Abortion Pills
The overturning of Roe has made it to where states can reclaim the power they always had and change their laws regarding abortions.
We see some states that are banning abortion and some states that are declaring themselves a “safe haven” state for those seeing abortion – or should I say camping?
I will note that as of now, none of the states implementing abortion bans have completely abolished abortion – they still have exceptions, and they also neglect to criminalize the mother.
There is nothing that is deterring the abortive minded mother from ordering abortion pills online and there are several organizations that are paying for mothers to come from abortion banned states to “safe haven” states in order to murder their preborn child.
Online abortion pill sales are through the roof right now! Companies are even allowing women to preorder the kill pills even if they are not pregnant, you know for “just in case”.
Recently, I was able to order thousands of dollars’ worth of kill pills online and the only thing they were concerned about was that I paid for the order once I was sent the PayPal invoice – I mean they didn’t even ask if I was pregnant.
I have so many people ask me “what do they do with the babies?”
Some are flushed but the ones that are too big to flush down the toilet are put in freezers, buried in back yards, self-cremated, put in trash cans …..we even had a mother who preserved her dead child in a jar.
There is much work to be done as far as abolishing abortion and demanding equal protection and equal justice for all humans.
We will continue to fight. We will continue to plead for the lives of the preborn children, and we will continue to expose this evil!