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Two Blue Lines: The Truth You Can't Deny

When a woman is late on her period, the thought “Am I pregnant?” runs through her mind. These thoughts might bring fear, excitement, or uncertainty. She takes a test, sees two blue lines appear, and realizes, I am pregnant. In that moment, she doesn’t wonder if she has a “clump of cells” growing inside her. She doesn’t question whether she might potentially carry human life. No, she knows without a shadow of a doubt—she is pregnant. She is with child.

And yet, we live in a culture where many try to deny this truth. Some claim that pregnancy is nothing more than a collection of cells or that what grows in the womb is merely a “potential” human life. But deep down, even they know better. When someone says they are pregnant, we all instinctively know they are carrying a child—a living, human being growing within their womb.

The issue isn’t ignorance; it’s rebellion. Those who push these arguments do so to soothe their guilty consciences, convincing themselves of lies to justify their support of, or participation in, the horrific act of child sacrifice. They suppress the truth to ease the weight of rejecting God’s authority.

Scripture makes it clear: it is God who opens and closes the womb (Genesis 30:22). It is God who knits us together in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). He alone is the author of life and death. From the very moment of fertilization, a unique human life is created in His image, bearing infinite worth and deserving dignity, love, and protection.

But those who are not in Christ hate God, hate His Word, and reject His authority and design. Their rebellion leads them to elevate themselves as the ultimate authority, redefining truth and morality to suit their sinful desires. In doing so, they dehumanize the most vulnerable among us—the innocent child in the womb—all to justify their sin.

The argument that women do not know what they are carrying when they are pregnant is absurd. It denies basic biology and common sense. It’s a desperate attempt to avoid the reality of human life in the womb, making those who perpetuate it look both foolish and willfully blind to truth.

At its core, this is not merely a biological issue—it is a spiritual one. Our culture has a sin problem, a rebellion against God. It has elevated self to the place of God, rejecting His authority and design. In doing so, it has dehumanized the most defenseless among us, treating unborn children as expendable commodities rather than precious lives created in His image.

From the moment those two blue lines appear on a pregnancy test, the truth is undeniable: a woman is carrying a child—a living human being created by God. No amount of lies or propaganda can alter this fact. Life begins at fertilization, and every unborn child is worthy of dignity, love, and protection. Those who deny this truth aren’t simply misguided; they are willfully ignorant, suppressing the truth to justify their rebellion against God and their participation in child sacrifice.

This is not just a sin problem; it is a justice problem. Abortion is murder, plain and simple, and it’s time we treat it as such. This nation must repent and abolish abortion completely—without compromise, without exceptions. We must demand equal protection and equal justice for every human being, born and unborn. No child should be denied the right to life because of their size, development, or location in the womb.

The lies must end. The rebellion must be confronted. Abortion is not healthcare—it is murder, a systematic slaughter of the most vulnerable among us. As Christians, we are called to stand boldly for righteousness, proclaim the truth without compromise, and demand justice for the innocent. Now is the time to rise up, abolish abortion, and ensure equal protection under the law for every human being. The blood of millions cries out for justice—will we remain silent, or will we take a stand?

Sammi Cooper