Sharing. Engaging. Loving.


Abolitionists Rising Campus Outreach

During the Abolitionists Rising: All on Fire conference, we had the opportunity to go to the local college to engage in conversations, advocate for abolitionism, and share the Gospel. It was a valuable experience for newer abolitionists, providing them with training and preparation to confront the culture of death.

All across the campus, abolitionists stood with signs and literature, engaging in cordial conversations, presenting the Gospel, praying with others, and even addressing mockers and scoffers.

The activism encouraged other college students to do something similar on their campuses and I know of a few students who are wanting to start a student abolitionist organization!

Many also expressed a desire to engage their communities on abortion and share the Gospel through various means, including sidewalk outreach, speaking within their churches, and contacting their local state representatives.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to be obedient to His command to spread the Good News. Though it may be intimidating and uncomfortable at times, we should not let fear hinder us from loving our neighbors. The reality is that we live in a fallen world, and many are on a path leading to hell, which should deeply grieve us.

Although the Abolitionists Rising conference has concluded, there is still much work to be done. If you are unsure about what you can do, I encourage you to pray and seek guidance from the Lord. The command to spread the Gospel is applies to all believers, and we must all be willing to go where He leads us.

Sammi Cooper