The Pro-Life Movement: Aiding Abortion Through Profit and Compromise
Pro-life organizations and "conservative" politicians often push for defunding Planned Parenthood, claiming that this will somehow shut them down and stop services like abortion. However, this notion is not only flawed but also deceptive. Defunding Planned Parenthood will not stop the shedding of innocent blood. Abortion is a grievous sin against God, and addressing this sin requires more than political gamesmanship—it demands obedience to God’s commands and the pursuit of justice.
Since 1973, when Roe v. Wade was decided, the pro-life movement and politicians have had decades to seek the abolition of abortion. Yet, their actions have consistently fallen short. Instead of pursuing the biblical mandate to protect life, they have compromised by introducing "exception clauses" and ensuring that mothers are granted legal immunity for the murder of their unborn children. This betrayal of justice demonstrates a failure to fear the Lord and uphold His law.
Scripture is clear: "Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter" (Proverbs 24:11). Yet time and again, bills aimed at abolishing abortion have been introduced in various states, only to be thwarted by pro-life organizations. Shockingly, these groups, which claim to stand for life, have actively worked to kill abolition bills—not pro-choice advocates. If their goal were truly to end abortion, they would have pursued it without compromise.
The harsh reality is that many pro-life organizations have become entangled in worldly pursuits, prioritizing financial gain and political influence over God’s call to righteousness. These organizations rely on the steady flow of donations to sustain their operations and lifestyles. If abortion were abolished, their purpose would diminish, and so would their funding. "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils" (1 Timothy 6:10).
This conflict of interest reveals the darker side of the pro-life movement, which has shifted from a mission to honor God and protect life to one of self-preservation. By perpetuating incremental steps and political strategies, they ensure their continued relevance but fail to act as faithful stewards of God’s truth.
There is only one righteous way to address abortion: establish laws that provide equal protection and equal justice to all human beings, both inside and outside the womb. This means holding everyone involved in the act of abortion accountable, including the mothers who choose to murder their unborn children. Justice cannot be partial. As Deuteronomy 16:20 says, "Justice, and only justice, you shall follow, that you may live and inherit the land that the Lord your God is giving you."
True abolition requires boldness to confront sin and call it what it is: murder. It also requires unwavering faith in the Gospel, which alone has the power to transform hearts and lead people to repentance. We must preach Christ crucified, proclaiming that forgiveness and redemption are available through Him while standing firm against the evil of abortion.
Defunding Planned Parenthood and overturning Roe v. Wade are not enough to end the atrocity of abortion. These actions fall far short of God’s standard for justice. The Christian response must be to demand the total abolition of abortion through laws that uphold the truth that the unborn are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God and uphold God’s justice without compromise.
Let us no longer be complicit in the games of the pro-life movement. Instead, let us rise as abolitionists, faithfully obeying God’s command to defend the fatherless and seek justice for the oppressed. Only then can we truly honor the Lord and fulfill His call to protect every human life made in His image.