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CHLOE™: AI’s Hand in Preborn Genocide

The growing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in reproductive technology is yet another attack on the preborn—another way to decide which lives are "worth" living and which can be tossed aside. One of the latest developments in in vitro fertilization (IVF) is CHLOE™ (Cultivating Human Life through Optimal Embryos), an AI-powered tool created by Fairtility that’s being used to sort and discard human beings before they even get a chance to be born.

IVF was already built on death and destruction, but now AI is making the process even more cold, calculated, and efficient. Instead of acknowledging every embryo as a fully human, God-created life, CHLOE™ analyzes, ranks, and discards them based on their so-called "viability." This is just another form of human selection, another way to justify the killing of preborn children. No one—not a scientist, a doctor, or an AI system—has the right to decide who gets to live and who gets thrown away.

CHLOE™ and the Business of Human Selection

CHLOE™ is designed to scan and grade embryos using time-lapse imaging and machine learning algorithms. The goal is to:

  • Pick the "best" embryos for implantation.

  • Get rid of the "less viable" ones before transfer.

  • Make embryo selection more efficient and automated.

To the world, this sounds like a good thing—who wouldn’t want to increase the "success rate" of IVF? But to anyone who believes that life begins at fertilization, this is nothing short of murder.

AI Has No Right to Decide Who Lives and Who Dies

CHLOE™ is just another way to justify playing god. Instead of recognizing embryos as human lives, it treats them like products on a factory line, sorting out the "best" and tossing the rest. AI doesn’t make this process less evil—it just makes it more efficient.

God’s Word is clear—every single human being, from fertilization, is created by God with purpose and value (Psalm 139:13-16, Jeremiah 1:5). CHLOE™ contradicts that truth by pushing the idea that some human lives are worth saving and others aren’t good enough.

  • Human Life is Not a Product – CHLOE™ grades and ranks human beings, treating them as data points instead of lives created by God.

  • Eugenics in Action – CHLOE™ is just a high-tech version of eugenics, deciding which babies are "worthy" of a chance at life based on man-made criteria. That decision belongs to God alone.

  • What Happens to the ‘Unfit’ Embryos? – Those deemed "less viable" by CHLOE™ are either discarded, frozen indefinitely, or experimented on—all of which is an attack on the humanity of the preborn.

  • Rejecting God's Sovereignty – IVF, and now AI-driven embryo selection, is yet another human attempt to take control of life and deny God’s authority over creation.

IVF is Built on Death—It Must Be Abolished

The real problem isn’t just CHLOE™—it’s IVF itself. This isn’t just about a new AI tool. IVF is a system that routinely destroys human lives, and CHLOE™ just makes that process faster.

Every time an IVF cycle takes place, multiple embryos are created, knowing that many of them will never be implanted. Some are discarded immediately, some are kept frozen for years, and others are used for research and destroyed. The "lucky ones" that make it to transfer are graded and ranked like cattle, with the "best" getting a chance at life and the rest left behind. CHLOE™ just takes this already evil system and automates it.

  • Children Are a Gift, Not a Right – The Bible says that children are a blessing from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). The desire to have a child does not justify creating life just to destroy it.

  • Adoption is a Better Way – Instead of turning to immoral and sinful fertility treatments, couples struggling with infertility should consider adoption, which reflects God’s heart for the orphan (James 1:27).

Abolishing the Dehumanization of Life—From IVF to Abortion

We cannot accept a world where human beings are created, experimented on, and destroyed at will. We must fight for a future where every child is protected from the moment life begins. That means we must abolish both IVF and abortion—completely. No exceptions. No compromises.

CHLOE™ isn’t just another medical tool—it’s yet another weapon used to dehumanize and eliminate the most vulnerable among us. We cannot stand by and allow this evil to continue.

No AI, doctor, scientist, or anyone else has the right to decide who lives and who dies. Human worth is not a formula to be calculated, a ranking to be assigned, or a decision based on convenience, "viability," or genetic makeup. Life is not something for technology, medical professionals, or policymakers to determine—it is given by God alone. From the moment of fertilization, every human being is fully human, with value that comes from God—not from human approval or scientific grading.

Allowing anyone—whether a machine, a fertility specialist, or an abortionist—to decide which lives are allowed to continue and which are discarded is a complete rejection of the truth: life is sacred because God is the Creator of life, and only He has the authority to take it. When humans assume that power, they are not practicing medicine, science, or progress—they are committing murder.

Christians must rise up and boldly declare the truth: Life begins at fertilization. Every human being is created in God’s image. No AI, doctor, scientist, parent, or government has the right to decide who lives or dies. The time for abolition is now.

Sammi Cooper